The SPALIA Group

Sustainable Property and Land Investment Advisors

We believe in sustainable investments for the future.

At TSG we work with the owner's team, design team and construction team to develop and build the most sustainable and high performing buildings.

TSG believes the buildings we build today are a mark in history to be left for future generations. We put the pieces of the puzzle together to solve the problems we encounter in our buildings regarding, water, fire and air. We have spent a decade developing the expertise in building science and building performance to deliver the best options and solutions for your development, design or existing building.

You own buildings, work in buildings, shop in buildings, live in buildings, meet in buildings, workout in buildings, sell in buildings, and grow in buildings. Why not have the healthiest, strongest and most durable buildings to leave a legacy behind.

We are building and development consultants, from your initial investment to the design and material use, to best practices of installation and techniques. Our main focus is the number one factor in all buildings, water. How do we keep it out, how do we reduce our use of it and how do we create better communities all around us for the next generation.

From your foundations to your walls and your roofs we are here to help.

Let us know how we can help.